1. 1607 VIRGINIA (Elizabeth I, Virgin Queen of England)*
2. 1620 MASSACHUSETTS (M. Indian word, "large hill place")*
3. 1623 NEW HAMPSHIRE (County of Hampshire)*
4. 1634 MARYLAND (Queen Henrietta Maria, wife of K. Charles I)
5. 1635 CONNECTICUT (Algonquin, "land on the long tidal river")
6. 1636 RHODE ISLAND ("Roodt Eylandt", Azd. Dutch, "red earth")
7. 1638 DELAWARE (Lord de la Warr, Norman Fr., "de le werre")
8. 1653 NORTH CAROLINA (King Charles I, Latin "Carolous")*
9. 1663 SOUTH CAROLINA (King Charles I)*
10. 1664 NEW JERSEY (Island of Jersey in English Channel)*
11. 1664 NEW YORK (Duke of York)*
12. 1682 PENNSYLVANIA (William Penn's father, Latin "Sylvania")
13. 1732 GEORGIA (King George II)*
*Royal Colony
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